Shambhavi Kartik

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Connecting creatively, across continents!

What began as an unsure response to a Facebook post by a friend, turned into an amazing opportunity. Creatives across Continents. A dance-photography workshop aiming for a collaboration between photographers and contemporary dancers resulting in a series of exhibitions and performances that blend both art forms together. This was a joint-project between Danceworx and Roy-Campbell Moore (an international dance photographer from the UK).

I was thrilled! And....I panicked too! 

A logistical nightmare surfaced when I had to plan staying away from my 7 mo for around 9 hours every day, for a week! Plus house. Plus blah blah!

Enter family.

A collaboration within my family members (between my mother-in-law, mother and husband) allowed me to be able to collaborate with my fellow photographers. And as they say, it takes a village to raise a baby! 

We all were from diverse backgrounds, with interests in different genres of photography and, of course, different sensibilities. We used to have 2-3 shoot sessions each day (with lighting ranging from almost zero to bright afternoon sun), followed by a crisp editing and showcase session. I was amazed to see the different perspectives we all had while shooting the same choreo piece. Such a great peer-learning experience that was facilitated beautifully by Roy. He set us free, artistically speaking, to explore our photography/design sensibilities while we were shooting. And wherever required, he used to give us a slight nudge putting us in the right direction.

On day 05, we were proud-peacocks (sigh! cliche!) holding on to our 5 selected photography prints, happily debating with each other on where to mount them.

Here are some of the images that I took during this workshop. Hope you enjoy seeing them as much as I loved creating them!